06 December, 2011

The Stars of Friendship

Often, it is said that to have a good friend is one of the highest delight in life. Indeed true, they're for keeps and never to be given away. God has had mercy on me for lenting amazing friends. For I have learned from them the value of friendship. 

Best of friends, they never go rust. Always moving forward, and saying what is true to your face. The years have gone by fast, pretty soon we will all live our dreams, nonetheless, the life God planned for us. My heart is tittered with joy knowing that you all are doing great with your life.


Life is just a bowl of Cherries!

Everything but ordinary.

The world never prepares you for everything. To be born out of reluctant does not certifies coincidence is any form. We all, in every aspect of life, are here for a purpose. A purpose that has remained a question to every mind. 

The future is slightly slanted with slopes to be tackled, yet He takes us through a breathtaking journey. Perhaps, the voice of our existence embarks from our very own experiences. The time plot is uniquely designed, few makes it, while most struggle their way but nonetheless, life is as it is. 

212 is the total number of days I have been living and breathing the aspirational life in America. Entering the first lap demanded a heavy adjustment on me, I could either make it or terminate. To terminate is out of my description, I could fail for trying but life like this is worth every battle. 

I remember the days back when I was still a student. I was driven to pursue the road of success. The month of April, year 2011 was a sheer bliss of happiness, new set of Graduates in Nursing claimed their diplomas. It was a time of our lives, celebrations were done every where but only to realize of what is ahead remained as a mystery.  I never knew before of what is now at present. 

Every single day, the bin of wasted chance increases and I, with dismay is part of that. It is a lost, but something out of ordinary is gained. I know, in some ways we all believe in something. We all go through sorts of struggle but our capacity to believe vents our faith to face everything. 

Being here expanded my view of reality, to indulge a life half way from the ground of my comforts and to accept every ventures with strength. It sounded very inspiring, but its a high climb and starting is never easy. In this world of errands, we all need someone to lean on, an escort to every occasion and most importantly, the kind you just can't get enough of. To make the anecdote short, he draws in a scheme of inspiration to my life, my love.

I know I am not lucky, I am blessed. If we continue to find the good in bad,  not long from now we will have a better hold of understanding about the truest meaning of life. 

From here on,until the next.